Sunday, September 16, 2012

Earplugs. You see foam, I see sleep.

Who thought that something as simple as foam could make such a big difference. I can't imagine my life without earplugs. That's right, I said it. Earplugs.

1. Family Gatherings
     a. long line of deviated septums and mouth breathers (grandparents' houses)
     b. college tours across the country (12 schools, 7 nights, 4 people, one pair of ear plugs )
2. City Living
     a. roof parties
     b. downstairs neighbor's ("we're having a baby")
3. 2nd Floor Zoo
     a. 212
     b. pounding on walls
     c. "Here comes Irene"
     d. "Honey I'm home"
     e. effects of lack of sleep-- sickness/my poor earplug-less roommate

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