Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Speech Outline


NAME: Meredith Kielarowski

TITLE OF SPEECH: Sleep: my roommate doesn’t get much.

Be sure to label learning styles throughout.

  I. Attention Catcher: How well did you sleep last night?

 II. Listener Relevance Link: Dorms can be hard to get adjusted to; new noises, new people, new distractions

III. Speaker Credibility: As someone who has lived in the heart of downtown Knoxville and now as a dorm resident I know all about how hard it can be to get to sleep.

IV. Others Like Me: “I recently realized that some days I wear my plugs for 16 hours or more, longer than I use any other personal item, including my computer, glasses, and clothes.” (http://www.slate.com/articles/life/shopping/2005/05/the_sound_of_silence.html)

V. Thesis Statement: I can’t imagine my life without earplugs

VI. Preview: When I sleep like I’m dead, but I have a hard time getting to sleep. When I don’t get sleep I get belligerent.

Transition (optional): Although earplugs are not something generally thought of as life changing, I want to tell you some stories about how they have changed mine.

  I. First Main Point: Family Heritage
  Listener Relevance Link: That family member who snores/sleep talks
            A.  Subpoint: Long line of deviated septums and mouth breathers
                1.  Sub-Subpoint: Grandparents’ house
                2.  Sub-Subpoint: “mouth breathers snore, because the flow of air through the mouth causes greater vibration of tissues” (http://www.medicinenet.com/snoring/article.htm)
           B.  Subpoint: College road trips
                1.  Sub-Subpoint: Bailey’s Junior year spring break: 10 schools, 6 nights, 5 states, 4 people, 3 snorers, 2 pairs of earplugs, 1 room
             2.  Sub-Subpoint: When it was my turn to visit schools Bailey missed the family time but didn’t miss the snoring
Transition: Now that I have told you that earplugs are the only way I can get through family gatherings, let me show you some other ways in which earplugs have “saved my life”.

II.       Second Main Point: City Living—Heartbeat of the City
          Listener Relevance Link: The sirens that keep you awake at night? Neighbors/roommate having sex? Sound like home to me.
            A.  Subpoint: Candy Factory
                 1.  Sub-Subpoint: Announcers, Trains, Ambulances, Oh My!
                 2.  Sub-Subpoint: Susan G. Komen Race         
            B.  Subpoint:
                1.  Sub-Subpoint: “God bless you”
                2. Sub-Subpoint: “We’re having a baby” “I know” – loud neighbors

Transition: As bad as those things were until I got earplugs, college has truly shown me the importance of earplugs.

III. Third Main Point: Horrible Hall Mates
Listener Relevance Link: If you think you have bad hall mates, let me tell you about mine
            A.  Subpoint: Second Floor Zoo is no joke
                 1.  Sub-Subpoint: 212 – singing/yelling/pounding on walls/”Hall of Fame”
                 2.  Sub-Subpoint: “Noise: There's gonna be noise from at least one room. It'll either be yelling, slamming doors, or the vibrations of your wall from someone's subwoofer.” (http://www.cgim.org/advancedweb/etoth/jpgs/websites/collegeprison/cellmate/subpages/gettingalong.htm)
            B.  Subpoint: Sleepless from Chicago
                  1.  Sub-Subpoint: I don’t snore but she can’t get any sleep because she sleeps on the side that shares a wall with 212—hollow walls
                  2.  Sub-Subpoint: has to sleep during the day because she can’t get any sleep at night – can’t hear the alarm with earplugs

 I. Restatement of Thesis: Earplugs get me to sleep
II. Summary of Main Points: Increasing importance of earplugs in my life—Family trips,
III. Clincher: I hope you don’t have sleeping problems but if you do, buy some earplugs!

List the references you used in the speech. Format them according to MLA style (use your quick reference book).

"Snoring Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment by    
MedicineNet.com." MedicineNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2012. <http://www.medicinenet.com/snoring/article.htm>.

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